Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bison Attacks

Most attacks in North America occur in Yellowstone which is largest free-rang herd. On average three attacks a year and there four fatalities since 1975. Most Bison attacks are provoked often by tourists, that get to close when taking pictures of the animals. Still people get attack from these animals with out provoking them. The most common injuries from bison are goring and blunt trauma. The bison's horns may appear inconspicuous but can produce deeply penetrating injuries. Gorings typically involve the buttocks, posterior thighs, and back because the individual is usually running away from the bison. Stomping, butting, and tossing by the bison produce blunt injuries that include fractures and other injuries associated with a fall."  
Many people don't know the power and the speed of bison. Unlike other animals they pivot on their front legs when they turn. They can a 180 degree turn in less then one second. They can weigh up to 2,500 Ib, and run at 30 mph. While they are running or flat footed they can clear a four foot fence in a single jump. Most of the time they can go through it. A grizzle bear never would take on a  2,500 Ib bull. 

Preventing Wolf Attacks

  • Don't travel alone in areas that have had lots of wolf activities.
  • Avoid outdoor toilets on outskirts of villages or camp grounds.
  • Don't have wolfs as pets.
  • Don't approach a injured wolf.
  • When approached by a wolf move slow never run.
  • Give a wolf plenty of space. 
  • When approached make lots of noise.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wolf Attacks

Are both far and few in the United States in the last
fifty years three people have been killed. The main cause of this was because they had the wild wolfs as pets. More attacks accrue in other parts of the world mainly in Russia. These attacks are not attacks by healthy wolfs they happen when the wolf is sickly.
Many other reasons come into play why wolfs attack humans. There roaming areas are becoming increasingly smaller. The food sources are becoming more scarce, and three-times more unescorted children than livestock. 

Preventing Grizzly Bear Attacks

  • Be aware of recent bear activities in the regions you plan to travel.
  • Be extremely cautious when traveling on trails at night.
  • Never cook food close to camp and don't store food within 100 yards from camp and at least 14 feet up a tree hung 4 feet away from trunk.
  • Watch for fresh bear signs on trails or near camp sites.
  • Carry bear deterrent pepper spray in your holster.
  • Make plenty of noise on the trails
  • Stay clear of dead animal carcass and if hunting clean out your animal and leave.
  • Keep dogs under-control.
  • Don't travel alone.
  • Encounter with a bear make noise and give bear space by backing off slowly. 
  • Avoid Bear cubs move quickly away.
For more information Check Out:

Grizzly Bear Attacks

Grizzly bears have been long considered the most dangerous animal in North America. These bears usually avoid human contact and will not attack unless startled with young or engrossed in search for food. We must not underestimate their unpredictable temperaments and often exhibit reckless and petulant behavior.

Only a few people have died from grizzly bear attacks this past year. There has been increase in attacks in Alaska in the past year many of them haven't been fatal but very close. This could be because of a food shortage or having a close encounter with humans. 

Preventing Shark Attacks

If you do come in contact with a shark get out of the water as fast as possible. To avoid an attack here are some precautionary measures to take; stay away from the mouths of rivers after a heavy rains, swim clear of fishing boats, if your bleeding stay on the beach, and stay away if you see large groups of dolphins and seabirds. For more tips you can visit National Geographic.

If you are a big time surf, kayaker or diver you can purchase Shark Shield. This device was developed in 1999. The Shark Shield sends of electrical wave that causes the shark to have uncontrollable muscular spasms when it reach an 8 meter diameter of the device. Since 1999 the device as been updated to become more compacted and much easier to use in water activities.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Shark Attacks

Shark attacks over the years have dropped significantly over this past decade. In 2000 there were 79 attacks reported world wide and 11 of them were fatal. By 2008 the Globe Shark Attack File reported 69 attacks. This could be due to the killing of the sharks for every one person killed by a shark 10 million are killed.

Many people do not realize that out all the different species of sharks only a small amount of them are dangrous to humans.

The International Shark Attack File investigated 112 shark attacks reported in 2007 and 71 of those were unprovoked attacks. The other 41 were provoked attacks this means that humans initates the contact with the shark. This is caused by humans being more interactive in the ocean.