- First of all: always, always observe crocodile warning signs!
- Don't assume it's safe to swim if there is no sign! Crocodiles attack out of deep, still or muddy waters, where they can't be seen. Always stay away from small creeks, waterfalls, rock pools etc. are usually fine, but if you're not sure stay out of the water. Ask first! Either the locals or the next tourist information centre.
- Stay away from the water's edge. No matter if you are camping, fishing or taking an evening stroll: stay away from the water's edge.
- Never stand on logs or similar overhanging the water. Australian saltwater crocodiles can jump to attack! Also, never turn your back face the water.
- Don't return to exactly the same place at the water every day, or on a regular basis. Or one day a croc will be waiting there for you...
- Fishermen, don't clean fish near the water, or discard fish scraps in the water. Be careful when launching boats. Avoid going in the water if at all possible. Don't dangle your arms or legs over the side of the boat.
- Don't feed Australian crocodiles. Also, don't harass or provoke them, don't interfere with them. Even the small ones, leave them alone!
- Don't leave food scraps at your campsite.
- If you see a crocodile sliding mark (a crocodile sliding into the water from a river bank will leave a characteristic mark), stay well clear of that area.
- Avoid places where native animals or cattle drink. That's exactly where a lazy crocodile would be waiting for an opportunity to attack. (Saltwater crocodiles are very conservative with their energy, and therefore opportunists when it comes to hunting. They stalk their prey, hide under water and wait. A crocodile you can see is less dangerous than one you can't see.)
- Australian crocodiles are most aggressive during the breeding season, September to May. The warmer weather also makes the cold-blooded animals even faster...
- Naturally, be particularly careful at nighttime.
Crocodile Attacks in Australia
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